

May our actions, our words, and even our thoughts, always honor their sacrifice.

Wherever the days, weeks, months and years take me…may my life be one that makes others stop and think: That’s Noble.


Maybe it’s the statistics I hear about the increase of Mental Health, or should I say Mental Illness. Maybe I am extra attuned to “Identity Politics” because of my Human Resources job. Maybe it’s because of the down trodden faces I see in the world, looking so purposeless and unhappy. If anyone reading this has…


The world is in some chaotic times. Perhaps it’s always been this way, we are just more aware.  Or maybe we weren’t paying attention during history to all the horrible anguish humans endured. Every day we are inundated with more ways that society is suffering.  People are struggling. It’s stressful.  It’s difficult.  It feels out…


I keep hearing bullies in my mind telling me that I am not worthy. Every lie they tell me says that I am not enough. I question if I have been abandoned in my circumstances. Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know. You say “no” to the discouragement that…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Megan! Follow my crazy burpee journey! I will share the good, the bad, and the ugly of my experience to rid the world of bullies!

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