Sometimes, I can read something, like literally paragraphs and pages over the course of many minutes, and when I am finished I couldn’t tell you a single thing that I read.  It’s not that I cannot read or understand, because I can.  In those instances I am clearly not reading with intent.  I fell prey to the other chatter in my mind.

The world seems as if it is full of endless noise.  Be it cell phone alerts, traffic, the car radio, TV programming, co-workers chatting, roommates bustling, and even the birds chirping.  There always seems to be distractions of sound.

Lately I have been finding that I can be more productive if I put my phone on silent.  This way, the alerts still trigger but I am not pulled to them incessantly.  When I get around to “check my phone”, I can do so with intention.  These boundaries help me control my time and have fewer bouts of brain fog.

I thought to myself, and wondered…  If silencing my phone can have so much value in my own life, what would I learn about others if I watch them in silent mode?  I have begun to pay more attention to peoples actions, not just their words.  So, when someone says they are “trying to be healthy”, “trying to lose weight”, “trying to be better at X, Y, Z”, “trying to improve relationships” or just about anything, I hear those words and then I consciously watch their behavior.  I learn a lot about other people when I put them on silent mode

This is not to be judgmental.  It is just like when I am seeing the words on a page and learning nothing. It is because I wasn’t truly paying attention to what I was reading.  The same occurs when I hear what people say and recognize their actions do not match their intent.

I learn a lot about myself, and other people, when I take my actions and deeds more serious than words.  Words flow out of us so gracefully sometimes.  I have to watch myself to ensure that what I am saying is actually lived in my actions.   I want to be the one who keeps the promises I make to myself.

Remember the mind bullies?  We all have them.  Bullies show up in our self-criticism, worry, guilt and fears.  I wonder…what if we consciously put those mind bullies on silent mode. How much would our mental health improve?  How much more kind and respectful would we be toward ourselves and our fellow citizens? Let’s give a try and find out.

One thought on “SILENT MODE

  1. I love to read your words. You have a way about you that just brings out the best of everybody I like it, it helps me. Thank you for sharing this with me have a great day Burpees Girl WELLF


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